Thursday, December 10, 2009

Robert Allan Hill Annual Report 2008 (Charge Conference, Asbury First UMC; and, Offices of the President and Provost, Boston University)

Charge Conference (Statistical) Report

Robert Allan Hill

Boston University

Dean of Marsh Chapel, Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology, and Chaplain to the University

January 1, 2008—December 31, 2008

  1. Dean of Marsh Chapel


1. Sunday Sermons and services: 47

Autumn Series (14): A Common Hope (Philippians)

2. Special Services 8

(ML King Observance, BU Baccalaureate, BU Matriculation, BU Alumni Weekend, This I Believe, Marsh Matriculation Service, Lesson & Carols (2x))

3. Guest Speaking 18

(White Fish Bay UMC, Park Ridge Ill UMC, Mass Council Churches, Hampshire House Boston, Hendrix College Arkansas, Conway Forum Arkansas, Londonderry UMC NH, BUSTH Worship, Lansing Michigan State Peoples Church, Boston Ministers’ Club, BU MultiFaith Dinner, Fort Worth Cattleman’s Club BUSTH General Conference, BU Academy School Mtg, Union Chapel Hampton NH, Echo Lake Inn Vermont, BU Islamic Society Rhamadan Dinner, South Asian 16 BU Student Groups Mumbai Memorial)

4. Meetings 482

(Regular 12: Marsh Staff, Marsh Advisory Board, Faculty BUSTH, Faculty Area A BUSTH, Worship BUSTH, Dean’s Council, University Council, University Leadership Group, University Council Student Life Committee, Religious Life Council, BU Chaplains, Bishop’s Boston Urban Initiative)

5. Visits 578

6. New Chapter Members Received 3

(Quigley, Hessler, Buchanan)

7. New Initiatives: a. Autumn program, term book, full packet provided for Advisory Council; b. Sunday Under Graduate Fellowship, Marsh Forum, Student Ministry; c. Completion of Marsh Staff Renewal; d. Ministry\L Whitney Initiatives (see his report); e. Music\S Jarrett Initiatives (see his report); f. R Bouchard\Hospitality Initiatives (esp E Fomby addition); g. Summer Choir (major addition\Palestrina Song of Solomon Motets); h. Motives Magazine (Marsh Annual Theological Journal); i. 9 Hill Receptions and Open Houses at ‘Deanery’ (96 Bay State Road #10)

8. Baptisms 4

(Henry Becker, Ben Owusu-Amo, Cameron Paul Mara, Kendall Bowen)

9. Weddings 18

(Brides: Karas, Skola, Williams, Ho, Rim, Wong, Ng, Simon, Hamel, Clinch, Ugarte, Lee, Phidej, Gruber, Hall, Czaporski, Paz, Lee)

10. Memorials 5

(Alan Stern, Albert Price, Michael Harrison, Nurell Jackson, James Nash)

  1. Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology


  1. Area A Monthly Faculty Meeting
  2. Full Monthly Faculty Meeting
  3. Worship Committee
  4. Annual Faculty Retreat NA
  5. 2008 Publications: 1. Sunday Sermons, BU website (Theme: Hope; New England Interlocutor: Commonwealth Avenue); 2/3. Two Books: Renewal (University Press); Preemption or Redemption? (Mellen); 4. Autumn Sermons Booklet: A Common Hope; 5. Sermon: Two Christmases, Lectionary Homiletics; 6. DeanHill’sBlog (; 7. Motives Article: Last Great Hope?
  6. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, UMC
  7. GBHEM Study of Ministry Commission
  8. 2007-2009 Worship support & counsel for Karen Westerfield Tucker
  9. Fall BUSTH courses (2): Integration of Theology and Practice and The Gospel of John; Lemoyne (1): The Letters of Paul;
  10. World Council of Churches Commission on The Nature and Mission of the Church (monthly\Holy Cross).
  11. Receptions and Open House for BUSTH faculty at Hill Residence
  12. Elected to serve on search committee for new Academic Dean, BUSTH
  13. SUPE consultant\ Asian Ministry Consultation
  14. Member, ex officio, BUSTH Board of Overseers

  1. University Chaplain


1. Participant, BU Resolutions, BU Today 1

2. BU Today interviews, articles 2

3. BU Matriculation, Alumni Awards, Senior Bkfst, Retiree Luncheon, Commencement, Multifaith Dinner, and Baccalaureate prayers 7

4. Splash, and Religious Life Fair

5. Marsh Board of Advisors (29 persons), May, and October (see folder) 2

6. Pastoral Counseling 54

7. Committees: Deans’ Council, University Leadership Council and Group, Student Life Task Force,

8. Open Houses\Receptions in 96 Bay State Residence 9

(Staff, Parent’s Weekend, Theological School, Christmas Party, Oscars, other)

9. Student Deaths 2007/8 2

(Haley Morrill, Alan Stern)

9. Student Deaths 2008/9 1

(Alvaro Roccaro Giamporcaro)

10. 2\month Chaplains’ meetings; 2\month Religious Life Council (significant additional time investment)

15 General Comments

1. The year has gone smoothly, with many thanks to many people. The residence, 96 BSR 10, works well for us and for entertaining. The three part role seems to be just right (PPP). Entering interests named: national voice, Methodist ethos, excellent hospitality. 2. Current challenges: Re-development of Marsh programmatic ministries, with hopes for graduate, undergraduate and theological fellowship. 3. Completion of fall worship: 2006 Frostiana series, 2007 Kennedy series of sermons (available on web); 2008 Common Hope (Philippians and Commonwealth Avenue); 4. COMPLETION of Reorganization of staff and staff meetings (part 1) completed in 2006. Part 2 completed with one vacancy 2007. 5. Two publications in addition to sermons; numerical assessment of chapel web site (52nd of 400 BU web sites in number of ‘hits’). 6. Increasing pastoral counseling (sexuality issues, deployments to Iraq, vocation, relationship); Strategic Plan Conference, Provost and President. Articulation of Chapel mission: ‘our envisioned mission is to be a loving heart for BU, in the heart of the city, and to provide a vibrant worship service for BU, in the service of the city’. 7. Completion of Staff 8. Hence new fall program: Sunday Breakfast (40), Sunday Lunch (60), Monday dinner (50), Tuesday lunch (40), Dean’s Sunday Study (12), good growth in voice, vocation and volume. New National Summer Series 2007 and 2008, with Darwin Series for 2009. 9. Special Preaching 2008: BOUND FOR BOSTON? Worship at Marsh Chapel, Boston University, 735 Commonwealth Avenue, 617-353-3560. Special preachers for 2008 include: Dr. James Forbes (1/19/08--w\ Mass. Council of Churches); Dr Robert Cummings Neville (3/2/08 and 3/22/08); Rev. Floyd Flake (4/3/08--w\BU MLKing Commemorative Event); Rev. Stephen Cady (4/6/08); Rev. Mike McKee (7/6/08 and 7/13/ 08); Rev. Dr. Randy Day (7/20/08 and 7/27/08): Dr. Mark and Ms. Lynn Baker (8/3/08 and 8/10/08). Regular weekly services are at 11am Sunday, with Dean Robert Allan Hill, preaching, and the Marsh Chapel Choir, under the direction of Dr. Scott Allen Jarrett. 10. 50% of Sundays over 200 in worship: 11. BU Program on Clinch book, FINN. Monthly Boston Ministers’ Club 5/12. New Summer Choir; 13. Significant first level communications improvements (newsletter, web, newspaper, pew rosters, BU calendar, PR menu, Arts Boston, stewardship campaign). 12. 2008 Goals (see 2007 report) DONE: 2 books; 10 guest speaking; fall sermon series; Staff completion (the main accomplishment of 2008); 75 Marsh donors; 2009 Darwin Summer Preaching Series; Staff retreat; Young Adult Clergy Weekend. 13. 2008 Goals PARTLY DONE: John memorization; 2 University events; Marsh Chapter growth; 200 attendance; expansion of radio broadcast; increase to $100,000\yr chapter\chapel donor\other income (at $80,000 now, $46,000 in 2006). 14. 2009 (primary)Goals (fuller list available): a. $100,000 donor level; b. expansion of radio broadcast.

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