Annual Statistical
Robert Allan
Dean of Marsh
Chapel, Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology, and Chaplain to the
January 1, 2015—December
31, 2015
TEN 2015 Highlights: 12th RAH Book,
Charles River, 3/15; 1000 in 4 Easter services; 1185 in 6 Christmas week\Lessons
and Carols services; New University Chaplain for International Students, Ms.
Jessica Chicka (1/1/16); Total 143 young women and men either entering or
continuing in ministry, through Marsh Chapel, 2008-2015; 220 BU students active
weekly in Marsh Chapel programs, worship, and groups; New Marsh Development
Group, 11/15; further deliberation about $2.5M accessibility project (12/2/15);
27 national and regional guest speaking and preaching moments, in annual
conferences, churches, colleges and other; Sadly, 9/1/15 Desecration of Chapel Sacristy by BU
undergraduate student (damage est. $9K); read A Gawande, Being Mortal
and T Piketty, Capital (‘death and taxes’(J))
Dean of Marsh Chapel: Preacher
1.Sunday Sermons and Services,
both Marsh and elsewhere:
52 (\chapel;; Marsh
Chapel Sunday worship services are broadcast in New England on NPR to 50K-80K; in
addition, 25K (up from 4K three years ago) listen by podcast, Sunday or
midweek; the services are streamed on the BU website, for all 300K living BU
alumni and others around the globe (weekly listeners in, for example, Paris,
Beijing, Sao Paulo, Juno); the service is provided for the 40K resident BU
faculty\students\administration and staff; 1,000 in attendance for Protestant Easter
services; 215 weekly average
school year
2. Special Services: 21
ML King Observance, BU
Baccalaureate\Commencement, BU Matriculation, BU Alumni Weekend, This I
Believe, Marsh Matriculation Service, Lessons & Carols (2x), Blue Christmas,
Annual Spring Term Ten (10) Prayers\Invocations)
3. Guest Speaking Events 2015: 27
University of Massachusetts
Boston, Rhode Island District UMC Ministers, UMFNE, Asbury First UMC Rochester (2x), Osterville
UMC Cape Cod, Union Chapel NH, BU Summer Session, Lemoyne College, Fayetteville
NY UMC, STH Library, BU Academy(2x), Jay Halfond MET class (2x), Ohio West UMC
Annual Conference, McGee Dorchester School, STH Liturgy, BUA Berkman Retirement
(2x), STH Romero Event, UNYACUMC Syracuse, Ithaca Forest Home Chapel UMC,
Student RA’s on Race\Ferguson, Veteran’s Day Observance, Humphrey Scholars
4. Meetings, Weekly, Monthly,
other: 16:
Marsh Staff, Marsh Advisory Board,
Faculty BUSTH, Faculty Area A and Area D BUSTH, Worship BUSTH, Dean’s Council,
University Council, University Leadership Group, BU Faculty, Religious Life
Council, BU Chaplains, New England Annual Conference Foundation Board and
Marketing Committee, New England AC Development Committee, Harvard Epworth
Wesley Foundation Board, Harvard Memorial Church Board of Visitors, Learning
Project Board of Visitors
5. Visits: (office, home, hospital, other): 943
6. 2015 New Chapter Members
Received 5:
Lloyd Sheldon Johnson, Bin Song,
Terry Baurley, Deborah Hamilton, Juliet Greshom-Moran.
7. Program Initiatives: 24;
a. Marsh semester program expansion (see term book on website,\chapel;
b. Sunday Groups: Morning Study, International Study, Thurman Choir
(non-audition), Advent\Lent Lectionary Sunday Study, Coffee Group, Monthly
Lunch, Yoon Bible Study; c. Marsh Staff Hire (International Chaplain Ms.
Jessica Chicka); d. Ministry\L Whitney Initiatives (goal 200 students in weekly
worship, in process); e. Music\S
Jarrett Initiatives (8 ensembles: Chapel
Choir, Chapel Collegium, Inner Strength, Summer Choir, CFA Choir, Mustard Seed,
Thurman Choir, Lorelei); Bach Experience (4x\year); f. R Bouchard\Hospitality
Initiatives (goal 250 worship attendance September to May in process (all but
four Fall Term 2015 Sundays over 200, with additional December 2015 activities
(Usher Breakfast (12/20, Christmas Tree Lightings 12/7&12/20, Additional
Advertising, 1pm Christmas Eve, other); g. Continued Reliance on Strategic
Plan; h. Motives Magazine (Marsh Annual Theological Journal) in process; i. 9 Hill Receptions and
Open Houses at ‘Deanery’ (96 Bay State Road #10, including Jan’s first Sunday
of the month 9:45am student brunch, plus Christmas Open House at Castle); j.
Subgroup Foci: Friends of Music,
Newlyweds, Radio Congregation, Weekly Visitors, Religious Life Council, 200
Students; k. Weekly ‘Dean’s Choice’ (one BU event chosen for announcement in
worship and in bulletin) ; m. Expanded Parents’ Weekend and Alumni Weekend
offerings; n. Work on Deanship endowment (total now close to $1M of $5M needed,
2 small gifts this year, the first since 1962); o. Significant building
enhancement (Robinson Chapel, Dean’s Office, Windows) and other in process (elevator—one December
meeting with Provost); p. Spring Term rugged week by week special needs and
events q. 3rd year for added 9am Easter Service (total 1,000K in attendance at
4 Easter Services); r. Christmas Eve grows to 2 services and to 75+275 (350) attendance;
s. Consistent Fall Theme Sundays, every Sunday from 8/30 to 11/22 (Summer
Series, Matriculation, Labor Sunday, International Sunday, Alumni Sunday, Bach
Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Columbus Sunday, Parents Weekend Sunday,
Reformation Sunday, All Saints Sunday, Stewardship Sunday, Bach Sunday 2,
Thanksgiving Sunday (then into Advent\Christmas); t. Marsh Ecumenical daily
worship: 11am Sunday, 6pm Sunday, 8pm
Sunday; 12 noon Monday; 11am and 5:15pm Wednesday; 12:20 Thursday.
8. 2015 Baptisms: 6
Jacob Harrison Ryan (grandson of
Sharon and Robert Ryan), Laila Michelle Miller (granddaughter of Sharon and
Robert Ryan), Caleb Black Hall, Joshua Michael Hall, Kuei-Chen, Bin Song
9. 2015 Weddings RAH officiant (by bride’s name): 11
Farr, Dordea, Wang, Adams,
Martinez, Kinney, Ding, Stone, Charlton, Hutter, Kenny
10. 2015 Funerals, Vigils and
Memorials: 7
Daryl Carr (BU student), Erin
Bohanan (BU student), Diedra O’Halloran (BU SED, David Carr (BU COM), Julie
Coppola (BU SED), Joan Patricia Scanelli, Abner Eliezer Shimony (BU Philosophy
AND Physics)
- Professor
of New Testament and Pastoral Theology: Tenured Full Professor
- Worship Service Wednesdays
- STH monthly faculty meeting
- Annual STH Faculty Retreat
- 2015 RAH Publications: 1. Sunday Sermons, BU website; 2/3. One Book:
Charles River (3/15) (print and electronic) 4. Autumn Sermon Series on
Prayer; 5. Summer Sermon Series: The Beloved Community 6. Dean Hill’s Blog
(; 7. Weekly 2K communication (eg Huffington Post,
GBHEM, Guaranteed Appointment Sermon, Book Reviews, Boston Globe, other)
8. Weekly sermons: At 2500 words a sermon, the collection for 2015 would
be 125,000 words, or two 300 page books.
- Courses 2015: Integration of
Theology and Practice and The Gospel of John: BU; John: Lemoyne College
- Doctoral Defense Committees (4)
- STH Methodism Committee
- Areas A and D Monthly meetings
- One Ph.D.
student: Kathleen Troost-Cramer,
writing on the Gospel of John (due to finish spring 2016)
C. Chaplain to the University
and Dean of Religious Life: Pastor
1. Daily conversations, noon-time
walks, informal discussions (about 12-15 personal interactions,
of some substance, every day: not
counted in ‘visits’ above). The daily
mid-day 40 minute walk is central to pastoral presence and conversation on
2. BU Today Articles, other
Religious Life Articles and Interviews (several): (see Marsh Website, ‘In the News’):
3. BU Matriculation, Alumni
Awards, Senior Breakfast, Commencement, Multi-faith Dinner, and Baccalaureate
prayers, other: 10 every spring
4. 43 (mostly
part-time) paid staff at Marsh Chapel
5. Marsh Board of Advisors (29
persons), May and September (new member 2015, James Berkman)
6. Pastoral Counseling: 112
(sacramental and personal moments, part of total visits above).
8. Open Houses\Receptions\Dinners
in 96 Bay State Residence: 9
(Staff, Parent’s Weekend, Appetizer
Group November, Christmas Sunday Open House, October BSR 96, Christmas Party,
Valentines, Patriot’s Day Brunch, Book Club, other)
9. Student Deaths 2015: 2
10. Administration: Oversight of 6 University Chaplains and 25
Campus Ministers, 43 internal Marsh Staff (see sign boards and web site). Most Difficult 2012-2014 : Hillel Transition
Hours (about 200 hours). (As of 2013 all BU chaplains are new since my
arrival). Annual Marsh income target set at 1/14 of expenses. 9/1/15 desecration
of Marsh Sacristy (cost estimate, $9,000)
11. Sampling of books read: T Piketty, Capital; P Miller, Jonathan Edwards; J Edwards, Religious Affections; Essays; J
Silber, Seeking the North Star; C S Lewis, A Grief Observed; G Marsden, Jonathan Edwards; D Reeves, Grading; A Gawande, Being
Mortal; G McNerny, Curmudgeon’s
12. December Christmas\Holiday events attended
BU: 34 (fascinating community pattern)
13. Travel, person and\or work: Tampa, San Diego, Rochester, Syracuse,
Cleveland, Barcelona, New York City, Chicago
14. Tithe (details available on request)
15. Christmas Pastoral Phone Calls: 61
17.10 Continuing
Education Events\Retreats Annually: 2 UMC Annual Conferences (UNYAC, NEAC), 2 AAR\SBL
(national, regional), 2 NHTDG (spring, fall), 2 BU (Provost, other), 2 Marsh
(August, February).
18. 2016 Goals: 2x books (‘Pastoral Preaching’ and Sermons); weekly
pastoral targets: 250 worship
attendance, 25 personal visits, audience of 2K publication each week; engage
UMC coming to April, 2016; continue to rejuvenate Marsh Chapel Development
regular meeting; continue to encourage elevator addition to chapel; respond to
transitions in student ministry.